

|   |   |
|16:05:46.737|Cloning repository...|
|16:05:47.987|* branch            e54f96121bce95e2e3071e661f287bbf3266a2c4 -> FETCH_HEAD|
|16:05:48.255|HEAD is now at e54f961 Create|
|16:05:48.416|Success: Finished cloning repository files|
|16:05:49.221|Detected the following tools from environment: hugo@extended_0.118.2|
|16:05:49.222|Installing hugo extended_0.118.2|
|16:05:49.330|hugo extended_0.118.2 is already installed|
|16:05:49.422|Executing user command: hugo|
|16:05:50.075|Total in 1 ms|
|16:05:50.075|Error: failed to load config: "/opt/buildhome/repo/hugo.toml:55:16": unmarshal failed: toml: couldn't parse decimal number: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "1111111111111111111111111111111111": value out of range|
|16:05:50.080|Failed: Error while executing user command. Exited with error code: 1|
|16:05:50.089|Failed: build command exited with code: 1|
|16:05:50.962|Failed: error occurred while running build command|

CF构建失败, 原因,hugo.

   topText = [1111111]
    bottomText = [
      "Powered by <a href=\"\">Hugo</a>"

自己添加了一行,语法不对,构建失败。从LOG中可以看出。 跟CF无关