+++ title = "Customization" weight = 14 +++


If set, jump over to the config.toml file and start configuring your site.

This section will mainly cover settings that are unique to this theme. If something is not covered here (or elsewhere in this file), there's a good chance it is covered in this Hugo docs page.

Global Parameters

These options set global values that some pages or all pages in the site use by default.

Parameter Value Type Overidable on Page
author string no
twitter string no
largeTwitterCard boolean no
ga_analytics string no
description string yes
introDescription string no
numberOfTagsShown integer no
fallBackOgImage file path (string) no
codeMaxLines integer yes
codeLineNumbers boolean yes
mainSections array/string no
centerLogo boolean no
logo file path (string) no
mobileNavigation string no
figurePositionShow boolean yes
figurePositionLabel string no
customCSS array of file path (string) no
customJS array of file path (string) no
enforceLightMode boolean N/A
enforceDarkMode boolean N/A
titleSeparator string no
comment boolean no

Page Parameters

These options can be set from a page frontmatter or via archetypes.

Parameter Value Type Overrides Global
title string N/A
date date N/A
description string N/A
draft boolean N/A
featured boolean N/A
tags array/string N/A
categories array/string N/A
toc boolean N/A
thumbnail file path (string) N/A
featureImage file path (string) N/A
shareImage file path (string) N/A
codeMaxLines integer yes
codeLineNumbers boolean yes
figurePositionShow boolean yes
figurePositionLabel string no
comment boolean no

To add, remove, or reorganize top menu items, edit this YAML file. These menu items also display any categories (taxonomies) that might be configured for articles.

Social media

To edit your social media profile links, edit this YAML file.

If you wish to globally use a large Twitter summary card when sharing posts, set the global parameter largeTwitterCard to true.

Search engine

If using Google Analytics, configure the ga_analytics global parameter in your site with your ID.

Forcing light or dark mode

By default, sites authored using Clarity will load in the browser with the user's system-wide settings. I.e., if the underlying OS is set to dark mode, the site will automatically load in dark mode. Regardless of the default mode, a UI control switch exists to override the theme mode at the user's discretion.

In order to override this behavior and force one mode or another, add either enforceLightMode or enforceDarkMode to your config.toml file. If neither value is present, add it.

To enforce Light Mode by default, turn enforceLightMode to true.

To enforce Dark Mode by default, turn enforceDarkMode to true

3enforceLightMode = true # Force the site to always load in light mode.

Please note that you cannot enforce both modes at the same time. It wouldn't make sense, would it?

Please also note that the mode toggle UI will remain in place. That way, if a user prefers dark mode, they can have their way. The best of both worlds.


This theme supports Multilingual (i18n / internationalization / translations)

The exampleSite gives you some examples already. You may extend the multilingual functionality by following the official documentation.

Things to consider in multilingual:

  • supported languages are configured in config/_default/languages.toml
  • add new language support by creating a new file inside i18n directory. Check for missing translations using hugo server --i18n-warnings
  • taxonomy names (tags, categories, etc...) are translated in i18n as well (translate the key)
  • menus are translated manually in the config files config/_default/menus/menu.xx.toml
  • menu's languages list are semi-hardcoded. You may chose another text for the menu entry with languageMenuName. Please, do better and create a PR for that.
  • content must be translated individually. Read the official documentation for information on how to do it.

Note: if you do NOT want any translations (thus removing the translations menu entry), then you must not have any translations. In the exampleSite that's as easy as removing the extra translations from the config/_default/... or executing this onliner:

1sed '/^\[pt]$/,$d' -i config/_default/languages.toml   &&   rm config/_default/menus/menu.pt.toml


Clarity supports Hugo built-in Disqus partial, you can enable Disqus simply by setting disqusShortname in your configuration file.

disqusShortname should be placed in root level of configuration.

You can also create a file named layouts/partials/comments.html for customizing the comments, checkout Comments Alternatives for details.